Future Ready Education
Education is one of the most critical areas of life today. For instance, it can change a person’s identity, decision making, career, and life opportunities. It is also responsible for increasing people’s knowledge and skills. Many companies are now considering blockchain technology to improve the way they educate their employees or students. In this article, we will discuss how blockchain technology and Web 3.0 can be used to improve the education system of tomorrow.
The need for Future Ready Education
The need for Future Ready Education is obvious and pressing. The world is becoming more complex every day through technology, social media and other forms of communication making it difficult for people who are not digital natives. Not only does the education system need to prepare students for the more skilled jobs of the future in which automation by AI or robots is less likely, but the world has changed rapidly in the last few decades and continues to change at a pace that makes it impossible for any one person or organization to keep up. This means that if you want to have success in the marketplace of the future, then your education needs must be future-ready!
How to Get Education Future Ready
The future of education is fast approaching and it’s time to prepare. Here are some tips on how to consistently learn in preparation for the future:
- Invest in technology. Technology is the key to changing the way we learn, so make sure that it’s available in every classroom, with educators continually learning about the current technological resources and the up-and-coming technologies that current students will be using for their future career and life goals.
- Educators must teach themselves new skills to keep up with technological progress. They can do this by taking online courses through platforms such as Coursera or Udemy (or both!). These services will allow students who have no prior experience in a certain subject matter area — such as programming languages — to learn these skills while gaining valuable knowledge along the way.
Peer-to-peer learning and exchange
While you might think of peer-to-peer learning as a way for students to learn from each other in a classroom setting, this isn’t always the case. In fact, many people are surprised to learn that there are many ways in which they can use technology and social media platforms to share their knowledge with others.
There are a lot of online resources available on the web which allow users who want to learn more about something specific (such as computers) or even about anything at all (like history). This means that anyone with an internet connection can access these resources without having any prior experience or unique skills — just like if they were sitting next to each other!
What is Blockchain technology or Web3?
Blockchain technology is a decentralized public ledger that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records called blocks. Anyone can join the network and add new blocks to the chain, but only if they’re connected to it through their own private key. These blocks are public and immutable or permanent making it an optimal resource for the storage of educational resources and educational certifications.
Decentralized Web 3.0 in Education
Web 3.0 is a decentralized network that uses blockchain technology to create an internet without intermediary organizations or corporations. It’s also known as “The Decentralized World Wide Web” or Web3 and it will allow users to have complete control over their information; they won’t have any middlemen like Facebook or Google who can sell their data and spy on them at any time they want!
The first step towards decentralization is having more people using browsers that support HTML5 standards instead of using outdated browsers which don’t allow you access certain websites or social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger or Twitter due to security issues caused by these companies’ lackadaisical approach towards ensuring user safety online.
Web3 is positioned to disrupt many aspects of our society just like it’s predecessors Web1 and Web2 did in previous decades. Before Web1 was a ubiquitous aspect of our every day lives, information traveled slower, we had to go to stores to purchase goods instead of ordering online and everyone we’d meet was in person (so mostly local to us). Web2 changed much of that with the social web. Social media has enabled the much faster stream of information to be passed globally, much of shopping moved online, and we started meeting people virtually, oftentimes not ever meeting in person. In each of those instances, education had to (or at least should) change to accommodate the disruptive technology. As someone who was in high school during the shift from analog learning to Web1, I remember having to physically go to a library every time I had to write a paper since peer reviewed resources couldn’t be found en masse anywhere else. However, for my doctorate I was a virtual student which is the opposite side of the spectrum when it comes to availability of information and method of delivery of that information.
Using cryptoassets for knowledge and skills certification
- What is a cryptoasset?
A cryptoasset is an asset that can be traded on the blockchain, meaning it has its own virtual currency and is decentralized. Cryptoassets are generally used as payment for goods and services, but they can also be used to represent ownership of real-world assets like stocks or bonds. Many people believe this will revolutionize the way we do business by allowing for more efficient transfers of value between people in different countries, who might not otherwise have access to these types of transactions if they lived in different regions or even continents altogether! In education, these assets can take the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that point towards and represent digital certifications and degrees which enables more transparent access and review of skill acquisition.
The future of education is here
The future of education is here; it’s decentralized, it’s technology driven, and it’s collaborative. Education is becoming more global and accessible to everyone regardless of their location or socioeconomic status.
The world has changed dramatically since the 1950s when we sent our kids off to school at age 6 and they’d continue to earn a diploma that was not necessarily worth something in every country around the globe. Today’s students are being taught by methods that were once reserved for only elite private colleges: MOOCs (massive open online courses), e-learning platforms like Coursera and Udemy, blended learning programs like Khan Academy or edX…the list goes on! Now, education is motivating, immersive and applicable to a changing world. We have programs like Ledger’s School of Block, University of Nicosia’s Open Metaverse Program and BitDegree which blend together immersive and personalized pedagogy with future focused blockchain content. Following this blog, I will be reviewing each of those educational programs through the lens of a cognitive neuroscientist and classroom educator (including virtual classroom) with over 10 years experience. I’ll be going through the methods of instruction (pedagogy), the cognitive load of each and learning goals covered. In that way, anyone interested in learning about this disruptive technology will be able to find the program and school that they feel is right for them!
The education system is changing rapidly and we need to adapt. The future of education is here, but it isn’t just about the technology. It’s also about how we think, teach and learn — all together in the same place. The good news is that we can use blockchain technology to make this happen! Join me on my journey to explore the available learning tools available now and that will become available in the future. Don’t let the future pass you by!